Question no -1 What is the output for the below code ?

public class B {
 public String getCountryName(){
  return "USA";
 public StringBuffer getCountryName(){
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  return sb;
 public static void main(String[] args){
  B b = new B();


A)Compile with error
D) Runtime Exception

Answer 1: A
You cannot have two methods in the same class with signatures that only differ by return type.

Question no -2 What is the output for the below code ?

public class C

public class D extends C

public class A {
 public C getOBJ(){
  System.out.println("class A - return C");
  return new C();


public class B extends A{
 public D getOBJ(){
  System.out.println("class B - return D");
  return new D();


public class Test {

public static void main(String... args) {
     A a = new B();

A)Compile with error - Not allowed to override the return type of a method with a subtype of the original type.
B)class A - return C
C)class B - return D
D) Runtime Exception

Answer 2: C
From J2SE 5.0 onwards. You are now allowed to override the return type of a method with a subtype of the original type.

Question no -3 What is the output for the below code ?

public class A {
 public String getName() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException{
  return "Name-A";
public class C extends A{
 public String getName() throws Exception{
  return "Name-C";

public class Test {
 public static void main(String... args) {
  A a = new C();

A)Compile with error
D)Runtime Exception

Answer 3: A
 Exception is not compatible with throws clause in A.getName().
Overridden method should throw only same or sub class of the exception thrown by super class method.